Latest Version: Cranium Rats Beta 3.0.pdf Rewritten for clarity, now with examples and much clearer writing, also the way the game flows and such.
Note: this is true for version 2.X Cranium Rats Referance sheet.pdf For your ease of play!
The brand new CharacterSheet V2.1!
Cranium Rats Beta 2.1.1.pdf Rewritten after the playtest.
Cranium Rats Beta 2.0.pdf Rewritten for Clarity!, much had been changed from version 1.2, not when it comes to rules, but when it comes to clarity. I rewrote almost all of it.
cranratsv1.1.pdf, Cranium Rats Beta 1.2.pdf. These are NOT the latest versions of Cranium Rats, it is the previous beta version up for playtesting.
(1.2)This is the latest version, up for playtesting. Many of the changes were brought on by Dotan Dimet's help
(1.1)Revisions were made to the original Beta thanks to Eric Bennett and Andrew.
Modified on 09/04/06 to fix minor issue and add the new sheet.
Kept for archival purposes.
CranRats_AlphabyDate.pdf This is the original Alpha file. I added thoughts, often contradictory, and musings as I went along. The way this is organized is by the time each part of the material was added. This is here for posterity reasons. It also shows you what was discarded and/or streamlined as I went along.
CranRats0.1.pdf This is the semi-organized Alpha file. It can be read through. The beta was reached by taking the Alpha file and more or less rewriting everything. The content was kept but the wording was written anew.
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