
To-Do List

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago

To-Do List


Here I will post what I need to do and what are my desired results from having them accomplished.

I hope to accomplish a goal at least every two to three days. This is vastly different from accomplishing 2-3 goals a week as having each goal accomplished and then giving it time gives others time to comment on and take in my results.

Another option is to write them all and then publish them in a procrastinated manner. However, I believe constant creation keeps one sharper. I do believe more things will get done during weekends though.



  • Goal: Write "Glass House and Rock"
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Get to work on other projects.
      • Get the idea down on paper to avoid it being lost.
      • Show another way of having competitive game. One without a Gamist Creative Agenda.
      • See how it compares to Iron Chef Game 2006 games.
      • Hone my RPG Writing skills, after discovering the effect even writing one beta has on them.




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal regarding card mechanics, ala the game played in the army today. One card up/down, different suits, 3 cards down initially.
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Get my idea down to avoid it being forgotten.
      • Rekindle activity on my LiveJournal.
      • Establish Gaming as a new aspect of my LiveJournal.




  • Goal: Review at least twelve RPG Books a year.
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed: Semi-permanent, will be looked at at every year's end.
    • Desired Results:
      • Force myself to read RPGs in-order, from start to finish.
      • Think critically of games.
      • Create online credence for myself.




  • Goal: Ask for legal aid concerning Copywrite/Trademark.
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed: Will be on-going project.
    • Desired Results:
      • Increase my knowledge of said topic.
      • Cover my ass.
      • Protect my creations.




  • Goal: Discuss my tiered/procrastinated publishing plan.
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Ask for Opinions.
      • Gauge viability.




  • Goal: Add/Revise the following to Cranium Rats:
    • Added: Each item will be added individually.
    • Completed: Each item will be crossed-off individually.
    • Items:
      • Create Play Examples after Rules Sections, though keep hidden for now.
      • Rewrite and clarify Rules section(?)
      • Write a Summary page. Put it on the Wiki, make use of Ben Lehman's PM.
      • Point the 3-5 General Rules from which most other rules erupt as Specific Rules.
      • Create the Meta-Chanics page, though keep hidden for now.
      • Legends of the World, after This Paper insert a footnote: "How's that for breaking the fourth wall?"
      • Add a footnote that says, "Others used to call them Id, Ego and Superego" at the definition of Aspects.
      • Consider adding a footnote that says, "They are Totems that humanity follows" somewhere, regarding Aspects.
      • Add /Marks to the Sheet following Traits and Aspects.
      • Change "Aspects" into Traits. Chararacter Generation point 3, bullet 2.
      • Add a contact email on first page of the file.
      • Add "Pulp Fiction" to the bibliography section.
      • Remake sheet.




  • Goal: Add/Revise the Wiki page as follows:
    • Added: Each item will be added individually.
    • Completed: Each item will be crossed-off individually.
    • Items:
      • Add an "About Me" Page.
      • Add a Summary page. Same as Cranium Rats, but more detailed.




  • Goal: Rewrite(without changing) the Rules section.
    • Added: 04/04/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Make text clearer.
      • Address comments on how people are unable to comprehend the text, or even read it.




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal and CSI Game Blog about "What is CSI-Game".
    • Added: 01/05/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Spread the concept of CSI Gaming.
      • Make a tool for others to use.




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal and CSI Game Blog about "CSI Rating" for purpose of reviews, what it means, how it is rated, etc.
    • Added: 01/05/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Spread the concept of CSI Gaming.
      • Create a narrow Review focus with high use within its field.
      • Create a "Slider" of CSI Games of different "Ratios".




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal and CSI Game Blog about "What is CSI-Game".
    • Added: 01/05/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Spread the concept of CSI Gaming.
      • Make a tool for others to use.




  • Goal: Try to get an imprint for "CSI Games", pro-bono, and have it be free for use.
    • Added: 01/05/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Spread the concept of CSI Gaming.
      • Make a tool for others to use.




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal and CSI Game Blog about "Mathematical Beauty" in RPGs. Specifically make use of the "Glass House and Rock" example where it works best("Cleanest") with 4 players.
    • Added: 01/05/06
    • Completed:
    • Desired Results:
      • Explore my opinion regarding said topic.




  • Goal: Write a post on my LiveJournal about the Memes behind games.
    • Added: 08/04/06
    • Completed: 15/04/06 Available on This Live Journal Entry
    • Desired Results:
      • Further my Journal's gaming aspect.
      • Explore the topic of Memes which I adore.
      • Try to get to the bottom of games' actual Memes and the Morals which are used to obfuscate them.




  • Goal: Write a post regarding Dice Reservoir Economy, specifically how it replenishes and draw parallels to renewal mechanics in other games, ala Random in Munchkin draw-a-card generate-a-resource in Settlers of Cattan.
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed: 15/04/06 Available on this Forge post
    • Desired Results:
      • Rekindle discussion of Cranium Rats.
      • Explore the different options of an undetermined(?) factor.
      • Explore the reasons why such a mechanic may be needed.




  • Goal: Write my opinion on Competitive Games, Memes and other influences.




  • Goal: Write a post regarding Token Economy. Refer to This thread
    • Added: 02/04/06
    • Completed: 03/04/06 Available in This Forge post
    • Desired Results:
      • Generate Discussion on an undecided feature.
      • Explore the use and reasoning of this mechanic in the game, especially as relates to Narrativism and doesn't work with Gamism.
      • Rekindle discussion of Cranium Rats.




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